
inspired by satyrwoud and burypink!

1. Time and date you started this?

9:40pm EST, on 07/16/24.

2. ASL?


3. Opinions on musicals?

they’re corny. never really hit the spot for me honestly

4. Favorite snack?

dried seaweed snackssss

5. Have you ever been in love?


6. Favourite Pokémon?

i like the weed dog one

7. Mario Kart main?

always waluigi for some reason

8. Team Fortress 2 main?

i don’t play this game

9. Do you laugh at Youtube Poops?


10. Are you listening to music right now?

no, i turned it off to do some work, but earlier i was relistening to the albatross by foxing :) classic

11. Favourite shape?

is a spiral a shape?

12. Do you believe in astrology?

not really, but i think it’s fun to use my imagination

13. Do you believe in the occult?

depends on your definition. i’m still figuring out where i stand on this, but i like the idea of magic and unseen things

14. Opinions on vocaloid?

it’s cool

15. Would you ever want to be a rock star?

yeah, but not so famous where i can’t go have a picnic in public with my friends or whatever. i mostly care about the music production and performance side of things :)

16. Do you easily get stressed?

no, but i do tend to shame myself for my inability to complete basic tasks

17. What is/was your favorite class in high school?

i loved english class

18. What pokemon type would you be? Dual types are allowed, LOL

i don’t go here

19. Rei or Asuka?

i don’t go here x2

20. Favorite HTML tag?

i like any one that looks like a little face

21. Are you religious?

i consider myself spiritual more so than religious. i don’t participate in organized religion but i share some of their beliefs

22. Opinions on nightcore?

it’s funnier than it is pleasant to listen to

23. Did you go through any major phase? (emo, goth, weeaboo, etc)

i was a scene kid for a while as a preteen, that was fun

24. Are you good at drawing?

it comes and goes. i prefer working with preexisting materials if i’m being honest

25. Do you crack your joints?

wayyyy too much

26. Do you read visual novels?

i do not

27. Can you sew?

yes! i taught myself a little under a year ago. highly recommend, it’s brought me a lot of joy and personal satisfaction

28. Can you cook?

i don’t like messing around with cooking meat, but i can do pretty much everything else given i have a recipe to follow

29. Most expensive thing you’ve bought?

hmm i think my acoustic guitar was like $300~

30. Opinions on cosplay?

it’s cool, i have no desire to do it myself tho

31. What's your most hated band/musician?

that’s a secret i will take to the grave (they’re an indie musician lol)

32. Are you a dramatic person?

only when i’m drunk or REALLY excited about something

33. What emoticon do you use most?

it’s between :3 and :7

34. Can a miracle certainly occur?


35. Would you let a vampire suck your blood?

without a doubt

36. Do you have a celebrity crush?

celebrity culture isn’t real

37. Do you like snow?

at first, but not when it turns into ice :/

38. Were you really into Greek mythology as a kid?

no, my conservative mom never let me anywhere near it

39. What are some things you could competently deliver a speech on?

the history of the monkees and the lore behind their seminal work ‘head’ (1968)

40. Are you good at spelling?

i think so, yes!

41. which touhou wud u fuk?

please no

42. Do you think there's going to be a robot takeover?

no, just more corporate greed probably

43. Has science gone too far??!?!??!?!

science hasn’t gone far enough, i want robot centaur legs already

44. Would you be an angel or devil?

half angel half devil with one angel wing and one devil wing and one purple eye and one glowing green eye and also a cat tail and and and

45. Sine, cosine, or tangent?

whichever one is sexier idk

46. Do you like licorice?

fuck no

47. What’s thing you cant stand that everyone else loves?

mayo ewwww

48. What books did you like as a kid?

goosebumps, animorphs, and magic treehouse were big ones for me

49. Can you play any instruments?

yes, i play guitar

50. What song would you want to play at your wedding?

don’t worry i am never getting married

51. Do you believe in reincarnation?

not really but i think the idea is fun

52. Finish the sentence: I’m just a guy who ______

takes 3 naps a day

53. Have you been to another continent?

yep i travelled to europe to au pair in 2018

54. What’s your worst habit?

picking my skin -_-

55. Favourite vegetable?

maybe zucchini

56. What’s something stupid that scared the shit outta you as a kid?

everything, i grew up unmedicated with GAD and i would be terrified of the most random things. for like 10 years i thought all cleaning sprays/agents were toxic (like i thought they would burn your skin off if you touched them) and so i refused to touch anything that had just been cleaned, including toilet seats lol

57. What’s one of your guilty pleasures?

roblox is really fun when you’re high/drunk, i wouldn’t say i’m guilty about this though

58. Would you rather be a ghost or a vampire?

honestly this all comes down to what kind of ghost powers i get. i love eavesdropping and could probably spend a century or two eavesdropping on random people and not get bored. but if i’m like a fully visible ghost with no powers or i’m stuck in one location, fuck no, it’s vampire time

59. What do you fear most?

honestly…being homeless

60. Do you sleep with any plushies?

yes, i keep my jellycat giraffe in my bed at all times (his name is taurus)

61. What hobby do you just not understand?

i tried for so long to come up with an answer for this and i genuinely don’t have one. i think all hobbies are great

62. Do you like the taste of alcohol?

i mean it obviously depends on the alcohol. but over the past few years or so i’ve found myself genuinely enjoying the taste of draft beer

63. Are you a hopeless romantic?

yes unfortunately

64. Which deadly sin best fits you?


65. Which of your physical features do you like the most?

i’m very thankful for my thick luxurious hair (thank you dad genes)

66. Are your ears pierced?

no, and people are always surprised when i reveal this to them for some reason

67. Have you ever been in a physical fight?

no but i dream of the day i get to unleash my pent up fury onto someone who deserves it

68. Where do you buy your clothes?

thrift store, vinted, or i make em

69. Where would you live if you could live anywhere?

probably a suburb in paris, or somewhere like norway/finland. japan would also be great but i’d obviously want a few years of language classes in my pocket before i did that

70. Do you believe in magic? Or is it all a trick?

magic = God = nature

71. Have you read Umineko When They Cry? You should!

i have not

72. What is the worst chore to do?

doing the dishes is sensory hell for me, even with gloves. there is nothing more awful to me in this world than old soggy food that’s been sitting out for way too long

73. What did your parents almost name you?

it’s too close to my deadname so i’m not going to say, but rest assured it is a very ugly name

74. What would you want your name to be if you were not your current gender?

i use the alias ‘cricket’ in some online spaces/games and i think it’s very cute, so probably that (even though that name is not particularly gendered)

75. What were your first words?

some lame shit like ‘mama’

76. What do you want your last words to be?


77. When did you first regularly start going online?

probably around 8 years old, starting with online games like neopets/club penguin/the works

78. What year do you miss the most?

i already miss last year lol, this year has been lame as hell in comparison

79. Are you psychic?

no but there have been times where it genuinely felt like i was. i’m pretty good at predicting things based on vibes

80. Would you fuck a clone of yourself? You’re not allowed to kill yourself.

by the time you finished saying the question out loud i would already be fucking my clone nasty style

81. What do you use to listen to music?

i’ve been listening mostly to cds these past few months but besides that, spotify thru my computer/phone

82. Whats the biggest city you’ve been to?

paris, franch

83. Favourite animal?

it changes every few months but currently it’s harp seal

84. What web browser do you use?

chrome (i’m sorry i just hate change)

85. Are you allergic to kitty cats???????????

funnily enough i was as a kid but i’m not anymore!

86. Do you like energy drinks?

absolutely, monster energy is my favorite (i love the coffee ones)

87. Would you ever spend money on TF2 unusuals/CS:GO skins/gacha pulls/etc.

i’ve spent money on robux is that anything

88. When do you usually go to bed?

i’m so bad about this, lately it’s been around 1-2 am

89. How often do you wash your hair?

every other day or else i turn into a walking grease trap

90. Would you download a car?

can you run a quick cost-benefit analysis for me really quick

91. What was your favorite show as a kid?

i loved loved loved teen titans (the original cartoon ofc)

92. What’s the silliest hat you own?

i’m not a hat guy…i have a neil young hat that i won at a listening party at grimey’s but i wouldn’t say that’s particularly silly, in fact it’s very precious to me

93. What album/song do you listen to when you’re feeling angsty?

tragedy reel by fog lake is my go to

94. Do you make OCs?

yes but they’re very secret

95. What’s the goofiest thing you do when completely alone?

i love singing random songs in funny accents and in my falsetto

96. Do you like fireworks?

no they’re stupid and loud and bad for the environment

97. Favourite painter?

this is another one that changes every few months, but i’ve been really into david hockney lately

98. Favourite numbers?

any multiple of 3

99. What genre of vidya gaems are you really good at? (FPS, fightan, danmaku, racing, whatever)

rhythm games and anything where you have to grind a million hours to make any semblance of progress

100. time and date you finished this?

the next morning, so 11am on 07/17/24