quick links for ease of access


1. piskel - I sometimes use this to make blinkies/animated pixel art!
2. multi screen html test - use this to test your code on various resolutions & devices
3. cursors-4u - fun website with lots of cool cursors
4. proko's art library - a library of over 170+ free video art lessons + references
5. yestersearch - searches angelfire, tripod, and old geocities sites
6. best favicon masterpost by far

fun stuff

1. friday night funkin' - very addictive online rhythm game that updates weekly - check out their kickstarter too!
2. these lyrics do not exist - hilarious AI songwriter that lets you play with topics/genres/moods
3. ASCII art archive - an archive of all kinds of cute ASCII art!
4. choice of games - a ton of online interactive fiction games
5. interactive fiction database - even MORE online interactive fiction games
6. huge masterlist of weird websites
7. watabou sigil generator
8. my 70s tv - watch old media from the 70s in your browser!
9. relaxing soundscapes - exactly what it sounds like

cool reads

articles/writings/wiki pages of interest that i've collected over time
1. the greatest work of modern art
2. ask polly: "everything I do fails, so I don't even try!"
3. ask polly: "I can't decide on a career!"
4. ask polly: "why am I so lazy?"
5. 'the anxiety of influencers' by barrett swanson
6. what actually happens when you click on those 'one weird trick' ads?
7. 'how I changed my mind about bob dylan' by catherine nichols
8. whole earth catalog archives in pdf format!!!
9. 'social media is not self expression' by rob horning
10. 'airpods are a tragedy' by caroline haskins
11. letters of vita sackville-west to virginia woolf
12. auzzie jay's manifesto
13. sadgrl's manifesto
14. how to leave social media
15. absurdly lengthy, thoughtful, and comprehensive reviews of every bob dylan album ever made
16. keep the web free, say no to web3

youtube playlists

some of my personal youtube playlists for your browsing and enjoyment :)
1. funny vids
2. cute animal vids ;3
3. some of my favorite live performances!!